PHP - Syntax

Updated: March 26th, 2022, 03:46:48 IST
Published: March 25th, 2022
PHP - Syntax
Title: PHP - Syntax

PHP Syntax and Semantics is a set of rules that defines the PHP programming language and how a PHP program can be written and interpreted.

Basic PHP Syntax

A PHP script can be placed anywhere in the document. The default file extension for PHP files is " . php ". A PHP file normally contains HTML tags, and some PHP scripting code.

Run Your First PHP Script

The following is an example about how to run a PHP script. What this program does is show a “Hello World!” text on the screen or webpage.

1. Go to XAMPP server directory

2. I'm using Windows 10, so my root server directory is "C:\xampp\htdocs\".

3. Create a folder and name it as "phpsolvprog"

4. Create a file and name it "index.php"

5. Start code Inside index.php

PHP Index file with Basic syntax practice

PHP Index file with Basic syntax practice


We have to now run our script, first we need to get started with XAMPP Control Panel. Make sure you installed XAMPP server correctly. Under the action option click to start button for Apache and MySQL option. It immediately shows active green signal to give you an idea that it started successfully.

Open New Tab

Run "index.php" by opening a new tab in your browser

Load "index.php"

PHP Index file in web browser with root directory link

PHP Index file in web browser with root directory link


On your browser window, type in url section:


PHP Index file running on localhost server

PHP Index file running on localhost server


Great job, you just run a PHP script! It shows you the result!

PHP Syntax with basic rules to get started

PHP Syntax with basic rules to get started


The default file extension for PHP files is ".php".

A PHP file normally accepts HTML tags, and some PHP scripting code.

we have done an example of a simple PHP file, with a PHP script that uses a built-in PHP function "echo" to output the text "Hello World!" on a web page.

Remember, any of the programming languages are built to solve problems that exist in our life. So be prepared to have an idea and purpose to learn this programming language.Thanks