How JavaScript Can Change HTML Content Using Button

Updated: February 15th, 2022, 03:18:25 IST
Published: February 15th, 2022
How JavaScript Can Change HTML Content Using Button
Title: How JavaScript Can Change HTML Content Using Button

How to change the text by just clicking a button, this page contains showing JavaScript code and results of what JavaScript can do.

The text can be changed by using JavaScript functions and then calling the functions by clicking a button.

Here is the HTML coding using one of many JavaScript HTML methods getElementById().

The example below "finds" an HTML element (with id="demo"), and changes the element content (innerHTML) to "This is a new paragraph changed content!":

HTML code showing results with text before the button is clicked.

HTML code showing results with text before the button is clicked.


HTML code showing results with changed text when the button is clicked.

HTML code showing results with changed text when the button is clicked.
