PHP Constants

Updated: April 15th, 2022, 02:33:23 IST
Published: April 13th, 2022
PHP Constants
Title: PHP Constants

A constant is an identifier (name) like a variable for a simple value. As the name suggests, that value cannot change during the execution of the script (except for magic constants, which aren't actually constants).

Constants in PHP are like variables that contains value, but once they are defined they cannot be changed or undefined.

Constants are case-sensitive.

By convention, constant identifiers are always uppercase.

Note: Prior to PHP 8.0.0, constants defined using the define() function may be case-insensitive.

A valid constant name starts with a letter or underscore (no $ sign before the constant name).

Create a PHP Constant

To create a constant, we use the define() function.


define(name, value, case-insensitive)


  • name: Specifies the name of the constant
  • value: Specifies the value of the constant
  • case-insensitive: Specifies whether the constant name should be case-insensitive. by default it takes false.


Creating a constant with a case-sensitive name:

define("SOLVPROG", "Welcome to! PHP Tutorials");

Output: a constant with a case-sensitive name

Output: PHP Constants

Output: PHP Constants


Creating a constant with a case-insensitive name:

define("SOLVPROG", "Welcome to! PHP Tutorials", true);
echo solvprog;

Output: a constant with a case-insensitive name

Output: PHP Constants

Output: PHP Constants

PHP Constant Arrays

In PHP7, you can create an Array constant using the define() function.


define("brands", [
  "Coca Colla"

echo brands[0]. ", " . brands[1] . " & " . brands[2];



Google, Nike & Coca Colla

Constants are Global

Constants are automatically global and can be used across the entire script.


This example uses a constant inside a function, and also it is defined outside the function:

define("SUCCESS", "You define your own success!");

function quotes() {
  echo SUCCESS;
quotes(); // output: You define your own success!


You define your own success!